Sunday, December 14, 2008

Proving Me Right

I just wanted to point out this article to everyone so they can bask in all my glory (glory being how accurately I have been describing the intelligence of Canadians). Based on an Ipsos Reid survey the answers are shocking. Most noteworth, 75% of Canadians do not know who the head of state is and 51% think that we directly elect the Prime Minister. No wonder nobody understands the problems at hand. If this does not support my call for a reformed education system nothing will. At least I have one new ally in the struggle, Marc Chalifoux who comissioned this survey is quoted saying: "Our school system needs to be doing a better job of training young people to be citizens". I don't want to say I told you Canadians are ignorant, but I told you so. Please stop dissapointing me Canada and teach these people about the system.

Who do you think the head of state is (hint: its not the PM)


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