Friday, December 5, 2008

A quick article from R.

The events in our parliament this past week have been an disgrace to the Canadian heritage. I cannot believe that I wish Obama was our Prime Minister. At least he has a positive outlook and a vision of what needs to be done.

Instead, we are stuck with the four buffoons muddling around in Ottawa detsroying our country in what are the most economically challenging times many of us have ever seen. They are times I hope I never see again.

On top of that, three more brave Canadians died today in Afghanistan! Does anyone care in Ottawa? Get our troops home, get all troops out of the middle east, and let them sort it out themselves. We cannot impose our values and beliefs on cultures that have been around for much longer than ours. Lives are precious! Stop wasting them. But, for that, our MPs would have to be at work.


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