Thursday, December 4, 2008

Star Wars: The Coalition Strikes Back

Before I embark upon a journey into the Canadian political wilderness (watch out for bears and large firewall fantasists) I feel an insatiable urge to introduce myself to the faithful readers.

My name is C and my political ideology will, for the most part, remain hidden, in a blatantly obvious anthology of fables. I have wavered on the style in which I feel you readers will best be able to find your way through my puzzling commentary. One approach is a scholarly presentation of the most important political events of the day. This I call Lucid Politics. The second approach is a more entertaining read, coupled with a humorous rundown of the Canadian political landscape. This I call Politics for Dummies. My decision is to provide you with a hybrid analysis I refer to as Lucid Politics for Dummies.

I will start with the myth of the “Coalition”. A long, long time ago in a city far, far away three white haired men with socialist tendencies forged a deal to defeat the protector of democracy and create a coalition government. These men had forgotten that the citizens of Canada had provided the protector with a plurality of the vote, not enough to actually produce effective governance by himself, but enough to tell the Governor General (GG) what to do. The GG is a journalist who for those of you who do not know is the Queen’s representative and holds numerous powers that for the most part have been hidden by convention.

The entire tale bears great similarity to a movie called “Star Wars” in which a rebellion led by characters named Luke Skywalker (who looks markedly similar to Gerard Kennedy:

Yoda (the wise Jedi leader whose genuine thoughts are hard to decipher amid poor use of the English language:

and others battle to take back control of the Empire- Democracy - protected by Darth Vader (an all powerful guardian)

– Stephen Harper “harnessing the powers of the force and attempting not to look mechanic”.

Another similarity is the tough decision put forth to Princess Leia

– Michaelle Jean. What to do? Reveal the location of the rebel base (Prorogue Parliament) or allow for the destruction of her home planet – (watch the government fall in a vote of confidence and hand over power to a Coalition of rebels). If history repeats itself and if Star Wars is factual then the government will fall and the Coalition will govern successfully for 18 months.

If not, I better get prepared to heel-toe express it door to slamming door in the freezing cold playing a little game I like to call the delivery of Lucid Politics for Dummies (no offence to the majority of the population, I will try to persuade you to implement my ultimate goal of creating a clone army of politically educated and involved citizens at a later date).


1 comment:

  1. Harper looks like he'd rather eat that cat than hold it...or is that Darth Vader...I'm confused "C".
