Recent polls suggest that after days of attacking the proposition of a Coalition government, supported by the Bloc Quebecois, Conservative Party support has fallen to 18% in Quebec, with most of the lost support swinging towards the Bloc. Furthermore, 67% of Quebeckers don’t feel Harper is up to the task of being the Prime Minister. If you have any doubts about these numbers please follow up:
Stephen Harper failed to get a majority in the last election largely due to a failure in Quebec. Now, with the country divided regarding the proper course of action to be taken, Harper drives a stake into the barely enduring unity of the country. Nothing says Conservative Governance like fanning the flame of separatism.
So what happens if this situation forces us back to the polls again, essentially providing us with no government for 6 months in the midst of an economic crisis? The only party that currently looks to gain is the Bloc. Good job Steve, your strong leadership is exactly what we need. Not only has he degraded the Bloc, spitting in the face of those who did not vote for him in the last election because he does not understand or respect their culture, he has taken yet another crucial step in the path to separation; yes my friends, I am referring to the deficit.
Deficits inevitably lead to one thing; funding cuts when it comes time to balance the books. Consequently, transfer payments to the provinces get cut and a backlash is unavoidable. I am not saying a deficit is a bad idea. I am saying that it would be helpful for the long term prosperity of the nation if people in Quebec agreed with the reasons for it (i.e. a $30 billion financial package agreed upon by a majority of our representatives). Maybe billions in increased military funding, maybe billions in lost government revenue from the GST cuts, maybe standing strong at the helm with no plan for the economy in the midst of the worst economic crisis to face this generation, maybe all of this is the deficit Quebeckers will embrace. Maybe Stephen Harper should piss of Quebeckers some more... it’s not like that can cause any problems.

Cowboy Steve spurring on the separatists.
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