Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Harper is an Absolute Idiot and Now C. Jr. Jr. Is Pissed off

Ok I know I do not always provide both sides to the debate. I am as biased as anyone else. My question is simple how can you declare there will be no deficit during the election (at a time when people were comparing the economic downturn to the Great Depression) to $85 billion in deficit over the next five years.

(Harper could have led Germany out of the Great Depression - he is that fiscally responsible)

Not the most complicated math but I believe that is a difference of $85 billion. My favourite part to this is that the government says they will be able to bring us back out of deficit within 5 years and the most laughable part is that the projections are based on the government believing this recession will end by the end of the year. I once heard Paul Martin guarantee that the government that takes you into a deficit will not be the one to bring you back out. It is hard to imagine that this government will simply revoke their tax cuts in a couple of years and start slashing spending.

By the end of the year our national debt will be over $492 billion. Pardon me Mr. PM but is it really the best of plans to just pass our problems on to the next generation and the one after that. Did we not learn anything from the mistakes of the last generation? Were the effects of righting the ship under Paul Martin not bad enough? Do we really need to go through this again. http://www.ctv.ca/generic/WebSpecials/interactive/budgetFlashback09/ This is an excellent table that illustrates the budget over the last 20 years and it is quite evident which government brought us deeper into debt and which brought us out of debt. For the party that claims to be fiscally responsible they do tend to have a free spending spirit when they are in office.

Solutions: Hindsight is 20/20 but sometimes when people tell you to not cut the GST (cough... almost every economist) you should listen. So you get back that $10-12 billion annually. Then perhaps you keep a little bit of the extra $8 billion we are spending with little success in Afghanistan and leave it at say 12 instead of 20. So without much work we could have avoided $20 billion in annual Harper mistakes (I will call these Harper Hiccups). Harper Hiccups would have given us an additional $20 billion annually which over 5 years is $100 billion. Hmm simple math and we could have been paying down the debt while spending even more on stimulus.

Not nearly as complicated as this scenario will be for us in a few years is it? Remember Paul Martin slashing programs and what that meant to say healthcare well get ready to do it again.

Another Conservative government got into power and fucked us again. Pardon my language but Harper Hiccups make me, Paul Martin, and Stephane Dion think the Canadian population is not capable of making informed decisions on their own. Now I am sure they will never say that but I am seriously contemplating it myself... perhaps a revolution is necessary or perhaps we should just teach voters a thing or two about this.

Teacher: “Class If we spend more than we have then we have to pay that back later (With Interest).”

Is it me or are we gang raping our grandchildren’s wallets right now (pardon the vulgar imagery but right now I am ashamed the Canadian people are letting this happen to the next generation).


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