Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Ontario Liberals Romp to 2nd Straight Majority

Ontario voters ushered in the first back to back Liberal majority government in 70 years today with a greater than expected level of support for the 2007 Grits.

Dalton McGuinty looked calm and collected during his acceptance speech to supporters in Ottawa. The Premier has seemingly left behind the shaky, and sometimes hard to watch, appearances for a man that exudes confidence. Most people would be confident as well after putting such a large caucus back into the chairs of Queen's Park.

As most people in Ontario will look back and realize, this election did indeed come down to one issue - faith-based school funding. As much as Howard Hampton (NDP) feels it blocked discusson on real issues and as righteous John Tory felt about the $400 million idea, Ontarians were ready to make it a key issue and not ready to support it.

Any politically minded individual could have told Mr. Tory that putting his name, party, and campaign into the ring with voters and this issue could only turn out negatively. And it of course did! It also cost Tory his own seat as he was defeated by, ironically enough, Liberal Education Minister Kathleen Wynne.

When the province wakes up tomorrow with a new set of legislative inductees it will be retuning for four more years of advancement. Choosing the Liberals was the right thing to do and was prudent for the future success of the Province. The Liberals are putting money back into systems that were hacked and dried clean of life by Tory's predecessor Mike Harris. For McGuinty's team to make 'everything' perfect after the first four years was indeed an impossible goal - and led to some 'mistruths' - but, another mandate and another time frame for the Liberals in the Province of Ontario could be just what Ontarians need to get Canada's most populous Province up and running the way we know it can.

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